Standard Football Terms/Positions

Standard Football Terms and Positions

The following information is the Mitchell Memorial Club Football Program terms and positions. Each position has different responsibilities on each team, so please do not use this to replace playbooks or how your coach is directing you to play. This is a program wide reference and coaches use this as their terminology as well.


Offensive Positions will be refered to as follows:

  • Center: Center will be positioned over the ball, and will snap the ball to the Quarterback. Center will block on the line. Abbreviation: C

  • Guard: Guard will be positioned to the left and right of the Center. Guard will block on the line, however they may also "pull" (quickly exiting their position and becoming lead blocker for play). Abbreviation: G

  • Tackle: Tackle will be positioned outside of the Guard. Offensive tackles will block on the line. Abbreviation: T

  • Tight End: Tight End will be positioned outside of the tackle, however has the ability to line up in a receiver position. Tight End will block on the line, or may run receiving routes. Abbreviation: TE or Y

  • Wide Receiver: Wide Receivers will be positioned in a variety of positions, generally on or off the line, 5-10 yards from the last down lineman. They will block, receive the ball, or may carry the ball. Abbreviation: WR or X or Z

  • Running Back: Running Backs will be positioned in backfield in a variety of formations and primary responsibility is to carry the ball or block. Abbreviation: RB or 2 or 4

  • Full Back: Full Back generally lines up behind the Quarterback and primary responsibility is as a blocking back or to carry the ball. Abbreviation: FB or 3

  • Quarterback lines up behind the Center and receives the ball at the snap. He will then hand off, toss or throw the ball. Abbreviation: QB or 1


Defensive Positions will be referred to as follows:

  • Nose Tackle: Nose Tackle will line up over the center, or shaded to a side. Abbreviation: NT

  • Defensive Tackle: Defensive Tackle will be positioned on the line, generally over or shaded on the offensive guard or tackle. Abbreviation: DT

  • Defensive End: Defensive End will be positioned outside the defensive tackle and generally outside of the last down lineman of the offensive line. Primary responsibilities are outside contain, pass rush. Abbreviation: DE

  • Linebacker: Linebacker will be positioned off the line of scrimmage, behind the defensive line. Linebackers presnap and play responsibilities generally dictate where they will be positioned. Abbreviation: MLB (Middle Linebacker) or M(Mike) or W(Will) or S(Sam) or OLB (Outside Linebacker)

  • Cornerback: Cornerback will be positioned generally off the line of scrimmage, outside of the last down line man of the offensive line. Primary responsibility is outside run coverage or passing coverage. Abbreviation: CB

  • Safety: Safety will be positioned generally 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and their play/presnap responsibility will dictate their positioning. Primary responsibility is run defense and pass coverage. Abbreviation: S or SS (Strong Safety) or FS (Free Safety)

Offensive Nomenclature

Offensive run plays need to describe where the play is going. The following picture shows how the MMC Cougars refer to running play holes. Even numbered holes are on the right, Odd numbered holes are on the left.

Offensive plays also refer to the running backs in a numbered system. The quarterback is 1 or 10, and each running back, number depending on the offensive system, will be referred to as 2/20, 3/30, or 4/40. The play will be called with running back number first, and the hole the play is designed to go to. For example:

28 Sweep: The 2 back is being given the ball and going to the 8 hole

42 Dive: The 4 back is being given the ball and going to the 2 hole

19 Keep: The 1 back is keeping the ball and going to the 9 hole

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