All cheerleaders must be present at the sign up meeting Friday May 10th at the Mitchell Memorial club for their uniform, sneaker and camp T-shirt fitting.

Flag(k-2nd grade) and Mite (3rd-4rd grade) teams 430-6pm

Peewee (5th-6th grade) and Midgets (7th-8th grade) teams 6-730pm

Please try and be registered before the meeting May 10th. There will be a brief parent/guardian meeting followed by a brief team meeting and introduction.

 We will also have all shorts in for those who placed an order already. Please make payments for the shorts before or day of to receive your item. Payments can be made in Cash, check or venmo @mmcyouthfootball . We will also have shorts for sale and will be taking another shorts order day of meeting. These shorts and the complimentary camp T-shirt will be your child's practice outfit. Shorts are not required but recommended. We will see you in May! Thank you! 🐾

If this date and time does not work for your cheerleader please reach out to the Cheer Director Kasey Burrill directly or 7749464572